
Applications often support a certain subset of currencies. Those currencies come from different data sources. Therefore you can implement the Currencies interface. The interface provides a list of available currencies and the subunit for the currency.

Money comes with the following implementations out of the box:


As it’s name says, the ISO currencies implementation provides all available ISO4217 currencies. It uses the official ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency as source for the data.

use Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies;
use Money\Currency;

$currencies = new ISOCurrencies();
foreach ($currencies as $currency) {
    echo $currency->getCode(); // prints an available currency code within the repository

$currencies->contains(new Currency('USD')); // returns boolean whether USD is available in this repository
$currencies->subunitFor(new Currency('USD')); // returns the subunit for the dollar (2)


The Bitcoin currencies provides a single currency: the Bitcoin. It uses XBT as its code and has a subunit of 8.

use Money\Currencies\BitcoinCurrencies;
use Money\Currency;

$currencies = new BitcoinCurrencies();
foreach ($currencies as $currency) {
    echo $currency->getCode(); // prints XBT

$currencies->contains(new Currency('XBT')); // returns boolean whether XBT is available in this repository (true)
$currencies->contains(new Currency('USD')); // returns boolean whether USD is available in this repository (false)
$currencies->subunitFor(new Currency('XBT')); // returns the subunit for the Bitcoin (8)


The CurrencyList class provides a way for a developer to create a custom currency repository. The class accepts an array of currency code and minor unit pairs. In case of an invalid array an exception is thrown.

use Money\Currencies\CurrencyList;
use Money\Currency;

$currencies = new CurrencyList([
    'MY1' => 2,

foreach ($currencies as $currency) {
    echo $currency->getCode(); // prints MY1

$currencies->contains(new Currency('MY1')); // returns boolean whether MY1 is available in this repository (true)
$currencies->contains(new Currency('USD')); // returns boolean whether USD is available in this repository (false)
$currencies->subunitFor(new Currency('MY1')); // returns the subunit for the currency MY1 (2)

Aggregate Currencies

This formatter collects multiple currencies.

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Currencies\AggregateCurrencies;
use Money\Currencies\BitcoinCurrencies;
use Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies;

$currencies = new AggregateCurrencies([
    new BitcoinCurrencies(),
    new ISOCurrencies()

foreach ($currencies as $currency) {
    echo $currency->getCode(); // prints XBT or any ISO currency code

$currencies->contains(new Currency('XBT')); // returns boolean whether XBT is available in this repository (true)
$currencies->contains(new Currency('USD')); // returns boolean whether USD is available in this repository (true)
$currencies->subunitFor(new Currency('XBT')); // returns the subunit for the Bitcoin (8)

This is very useful if you want to support multiple currencies data sources.