
Legacy codebases often use float math for monetary calculations, which leads to problems with fractions-of-pennies in monetary amounts. The proper solution is to introduce a Money object, and use Money objects in place of float math. However, doing so can be quite an onerous task, especially when the float values need to be moved to and from database storage; intercepting and coercing the float values (often represented by strings) can be very difficult and time-consuming.

To help ease the transition from float math to Money objects, use a Teller instance to replace float math for monetary calculations in place:

// before
$price = 234.56;
$discount = 0.05;
$discountAmount = $price * $discount; // 11.728

// after
$teller = \Money\Teller::USD();
$discountAmount = $teller->multiply($price, $discount); // '11.73'

The main drawback is that you cannot use two different currencies with the Teller; you can use only one.

The Teller offers these methods:

  • operation

    • absolute($amount) : string Returns an absolute monetary amount.

    • add($amount, $other, ...$others) : string Adds one or more monetary amounts to a monetary amount.

    • divide($amount, $divisor) : string Divides a monetary amount by a divisor.

    • mod($amount, $divisor) Returns the mod of one amount by another.

    • multiply($amount, $multiplier) : string Multiplies a monetary amount by a multiplier.

    • negative($amount) : string Negates a monetary amount.

    • ratioOf($amount, $other) Determines the ratio of one monetary amount to another.

    • subtract($amount, $other, ...$others) : string Subtracts one or more monetary amounts from a monetary amount.

  • comparison

    • compare($amount, $other) : int Compares one monetary amount to the other; -1 is less than, 0 is equals, 1 is greater than.

    • equals($amount, $other) : bool Are two monetary amounts equal?

    • greaterThan($amount, $other) : bool Is one monetary amount greater than the other?

    • greaterThanOrEqual($amount, $other) : bool Is one monetary amount greater than or equal to the other?

    • isNegative($amount) : bool Is a monetary amount less than zero?

    • isPositive($amount) : bool Is a monetary amount greater than zero?

    • isZero($amount) : bool Is a monetary amount equal to zero?

    • lessThan($amount, $other) : bool Is one monetary amount less than the other?

    • lessThanOrEqual($amount, $other) : bool Is one monetary amount less than or equal to the other?

  • allocation

    • allocate($amount, array $ratios) : string[] Allocates a monetary amount according to an array of ratios.

    • allocateTo($amount, $n) : string[] Allocates a monetary amount among N targets.

  • aggregation

    • avg($amount, ...$amounts) : string Averages a series of monetary amounts.

    • sum($amount, ...$amounts) : string Sums a series of monetary amounts.

    • max($amount, ...$amounts) : string Finds the highest of a series of monetary amounts.

    • min($amount, ...$amounts) : string Finds the lowest of a series of monetary amounts.

  • conversion

    • convertToMoney($amount) : Money Converts a monetary amount to a Money object.

    • convertToMoneyArray(array $amounts) : Money Converts an array of monetary amounts to an array of Money objects.

    • convertToString($amount) : string Converts a monetary amount to a string.

    • convertToStringArray($amount) : string Converts an array of monetary amounts to an array of strings.

    • zero() : string Returns a zero monetary amount ('0.00').