Currency Conversion

To convert a Money instance from one Currency to another, you need the Converter. This class depends on Currencies and Exchange. Exchange returns a CurrencyPair, which is the combination of the base currency, counter currency and the conversion ratio.

Fixed Exchange

You can use a fixed exchange to convert Money into another Currency.

use Money\Converter;
use Money\Currency;
use Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies;
use Money\Exchange\FixedExchange;

$exchange = new FixedExchange([
    'EUR' => [
        'USD' => '1.25'

$converter = new Converter(new ISOCurrencies(), $exchange);

$eur100 = Money::EUR(100);
$usd125 = $converter->convert($eur100, new Currency('USD'));

Reversed Currencies Exchange

In some cases you might want the Exchange to resolve the reverse of the Currency Pair as well if the original cannot be found. To add this behaviour to any Exchange you need to wrap it in in a ReversedCurrenciesExchange. If a reverse Currency Pair can be found, it’s simply used as a divisor of 1 to calculate the reverse conversion ratio.

For example this can be useful if you use a FixedExchange and you don’t want to define the currency pairs in both directions.

use Money\Converter;
use Money\Currency;
use Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies;
use Money\Exchange\FixedExchange;
use Money\Exchange\ReversedCurrenciesExchange;

$exchange = new ReversedCurrenciesExchange(new FixedExchange([
    'EUR' => [
        'USD' => '1.25'

$converter = new Converter(new ISOCurrencies(), $exchange);

$usd125 = Money::USD(125);
$eur100 = $converter->convert($usd125, new Currency('EUR'));

Third Party Integrations

We also provide a way to integrate external sources of conversion rates by implementing the Money\Exchange interface.


Swap is a currency exchange library widespread in the PHP ecosystem. You can install it via Composer:

$ composer require florianv/swap

Then conversion is quite simple:

use Money\Money;
use Money\Converter;
use Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies;
use Money\Exchange\SwapExchange;

// $swap = Implementation of \Swap\SwapInterface
$exchange = new SwapExchange($swap);

$converter = new Converter(new ISOCurrencies(), $exchange);
$eur100 = Money::EUR(100);
$usd125 = $converter->convert($eur100, new Currency('USD'));
[$usd125, $pair] = $converter->convertAndReturnWithCurrencyPair($eur100, new Currency('USD'));


Exchanger is the currency exchange framework behind Swap.

$ composer require florianv/exchanger

Then conversion is quite simple:

use Money\Money;
use Money\Converter;
use Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies;
use Money\Exchanger\ExchangerExchange;

// $exchanger = Implementation of \Exchanger\Contract\ExchangeRateProvider
$exchange = new ExchangerExchange($exchanger);

$converter = new Converter(new ISOCurrencies(), $exchange);
$eur100 = Money::EUR(100);
$usd125 = $converter->convert($eur100, new Currency('USD'));
[$usd125, $pair] = $converter->convertAndReturnWithCurrencyPair($eur100, new Currency('USD'));


A CurrencyPair is returned by the Exchange. If you want to implement your own Exchange, you can use the OOP notation to define a pair:

use Money\Currency;
use Money\CurrencyPair;

$pair = new CurrencyPair(new Currency('EUR'), new Currency('USD'), 1.2500);

But you can also parse ISO notations. For example, the quotation EUR/USD 1.2500 means that one euro is exchanged for 1.2500 US dollars.

use Money\CurrencyPair;

$pair = CurrencyPair::createFromIso('EUR/USD 1.2500');

You could also create a pair using a third party. There is a default one in the core using Swap which you can install via Composer.

use Money\Currency;
use Money\Exchange\SwapExchange;

$eur = new Currency('EUR');
$usd = new Currency('USD');

// $swap = Implementation of \Swap\SwapInterface
$exchange = new SwapExchange($swap);

$pair = $exchange->quote($eur, $usd);

A currency pair can be used to convert an amount.

use Money\Money;
use Money\Currency;
use Money\Currencies\ISOCurrencies;
use Money\Exchange\SwapExchange;

// $swap = Implementation of \Swap\SwapInterface
$exchange = new SwapExchange($swap);

$converter = new Converter(new ISOCurrencies(), $exchange);
$eur100 = Money::EUR(100);
$usd125 = $converter->convertAgainstCurrencyPair($eur100, $pair);